Download these FREE feelings flash cards. Print out, laminate and cut out.
These emotions flash cards are ideal to use in the classroom, especially at the beginning of a new school year. Young children often need help learning to talk about how they are feeling and to put a name to their emotions. Use these FREE flash cards and 10 ideas on how to use them.

Print out several copies, turn them face down on the table and play 'pairs'.
Place the cards face down on the table. Turn the card over and use the feelings word in a sentence.
Lay the cards face up on the table. Children to pick out all the emotions they have felt that day.
Choose a random card. Talk about how you could support someone who was feeling this emotion.
Choose a random card. Think of a reason why someone might be feeling this way - what could have happened?
Choose a random card. Talk about a time you felt that way and what you did to cope.
7. Place the cards in a horizontal line on the wall. Children can place a picture of themselves underneath a feelings picture to let adults know how they are feeling.
8. For children that have trouble expressing how they feel - attach the laminated cards to a keyring for children to keep with them and show an adult when they need to express themselves.
9. Sort the cards into positive and negative emotions.
10. Choose a random card. Don't show anyone your card. Act out the emotion or make a matching facial expression. Can others guess the emotion?